CTV in Mexico: Widespread CTV Adoption and High Ad Receptivity Shows Opportunities for Marketers
Magnite surveyed over 4,000 consumers across Latin America’s largest markets: Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico.
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Magnite surveyed over 4,000 consumers across Latin America’s largest markets: Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico.
Magnite surveyed over 4,000 consumers across Latin America’s largest markets: Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico.
Over the past few years, streaming services have seen tremendous growth, driven by the popularity of ad-supported content.
Here are a few ways marketers can best engage with live-streaming audiences and expand their brand.
In Magnite’s 2023 report, “The Rise of Ad-Supported Streaming Services”, we see that streaming television in Japan has reached critical mass.
Tasha, our head of operations in Asia, takes us through a typical day in her life.
Centralizing all programmatic deals through Magnite provides advertisers with more efficient access to Blitz’s diverse audience NEW YORK- September 3, 2024 – Blitz, a premier analytics platform offering real-time insights, stats, and improvement tools for gamers, has selected Magnite (NASDAQ: MGNI), the largest independent sell-side advertising company, as its preferred SSP. This builds on a […]
TMB (Trusted Media Brands), the leading community-driven entertainment company, has selected Magnite’s Demand Manager as its pre-bid wrapper solution. TMB leverages Magnite as one of its preferred omnichannel sell-side platforms (SSPs). SpringServe, now part of Magnite, will serve as TMB’s ad server of record for OTT video content.
Magnite (NASDAQ: MGNI), the world’s largest independent sell-side advertising company, today announced a partnership with Mediaocean, the mission-critical platform for omnichannel advertising, to provide direct access to streaming and CTV inventory for local linear buyers.