CTV in Argentina: Widespread CTV Adoption and High Ad Receptivity Shows Opportunities for Marketers
Magnite surveyed over 4,000 consumers across Latin America’s largest markets: Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico.
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Magnite surveyed over 4,000 consumers across Latin America’s largest markets: Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico.
Over the past few years, streaming services have seen tremendous growth, driven by the popularity of ad-supported content.
Here are a few ways marketers can best engage with live-streaming audiences and expand their brand.
In Magnite’s 2023 report, “The Rise of Ad-Supported Streaming Services”, we see that streaming television in Japan has reached critical mass.
Tasha, our head of operations in Asia, takes us through a typical day in her life.
Centralizing all programmatic deals through Magnite provides advertisers with more efficient access to Blitz’s diverse audience NEW YORK- September 3, 2024 – Blitz, a premier analytics platform offering real-time insights, stats, and improvement tools for gamers, has selected Magnite (NASDAQ: MGNI), the largest independent sell-side advertising company, as its preferred SSP. This builds on a […]
TMB (Trusted Media Brands), the leading community-driven entertainment company, has selected Magnite’s Demand Manager as its pre-bid wrapper solution. TMB leverages Magnite as one of its preferred omnichannel sell-side platforms (SSPs). SpringServe, now part of Magnite, will serve as TMB’s ad server of record for OTT video content.
Magnite (NASDAQ: MGNI), the world’s largest independent sell-side advertising company, today announced a partnership with Mediaocean, the mission-critical platform for omnichannel advertising, to provide direct access to streaming and CTV inventory for local linear buyers.
Hear how Warner Brothers Discovery are unlocking the power of ad supported streaming whilst ensuring a great omnichannel user experience