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Why Captify and Magnite are Bringing Intelligent Search Data to CTV

[…] search bars. E-commerce sites offer users search bars for researching products and identifying their next purchase. Content publishers provide search bars so users can quickly search through articles and videos to learn about specific news or topics they are most interested in. People search for things to watch, things to buy, things to learn, […]


Succession Planning: Investing in Future-Proofed Solutions for Reach and Measurement

[…] contextual and sell-side audience-based reach and advertise our products there. Brands can now be present where their consumers are, based on activity canvassed across web pages, blogs, articles, and beyond – all at scale and powered by machine learning technology. Tactical advice: Go beyond cookies by activating first-party data with premium publishers in brand-safe […]


Day in the Life: Nihal Solomon, People Business Partner

[…] what part they played in ad tech. It’s such a unique industry that changes every day, so it’s best to do research, read a multitude of industry articles to stay up to date, attend industry events, and join a few industry associations. If you are looking to be in an industry that changes and […]

93 results found

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